Distribution of Sewing Machines

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Distribution of Sewing Machines

On Friday, November 15 we were able to gather at FCN Home near Hyderabad 132 women from the villages. Most of these women are homemakers. The sewing machines are a blessing to them. It will help them to make little money by stitching clothing at home. Many in the villages do not wear ready-made clothes. Hence the women who received sewing machines can earn their living. All the beneficiaries thank FCN and Helen Brach Foundation for the loving assistance. They all remember you with gratitude and pray for you.

Mr. Sankar Veerlapally, Member of Legislative Assembly came to distribute the sewing machines. He appreciated the good work of Foundation for Children in Need and especially for distributing 132 sewing machines. He expressed that "never in the history of this area such work was done by anyone". There were few other local leaders who came for this gathering and were very inspired by this wonderful work done by FCN through your generous support.

FCN has coordinated 2200 Free Cleft Lip and Cleft Palate surgeries to the Needy Children in the past 10 years.