Sponsorship Experience

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We invite the sponsors to share your experience of sponsorship with others on this page. Kindly email or mail your brief comments so that it will inspire others. Thank you so much for your sharing.

Over the past 15 years, we have been greatly inspired by the work of Dr. GeethaYeruva and Mr. Tom Chitta. They truly serve the most needy with great love and compassion. We initially met them when they came to San Diego to make an appeal. We were so deeply moved by their devotion to the poor, we invited them to stay with us in our home and to meet our friends and family. During this time, we have continued to host them and sponsor both children and widows at St. Xavier's.

The sponsored children and widows regularly communicate with us about their wellbeing and progress with academics. Every life they touch is dramatically improved by their efforts. They see a need and they do everything humanly possible to fulfill it. Their recent work with Smile Network International and repairing cleft lip and palates is an excellent example of how they saw a true need and did everything possible to provide a solution to people who otherwise would not have the resources. With God's divine intervention, they have accomplished so much good work. May God continue to speed their good works globally!

With love in Christ,

Rob and Virginia Bayer,
San Diego, CA

When Tom and Geetha came to our parish in 2007 to ask for sponsors for FCN, we both were so excited to sponsor five children for FCN as have five grown children of our own. It seemed like a perfect way to help more children get an opportunity for education, thus enabling them to help themselves and their families in India.

Although we have not been able to visit India, the letters we receive from the children bring the experience alive to us. We have seen a student graduate from nursing school, one become a pharmacist; another is studying physics and chemistry! How heartwarming to witness wonderful successes through the program and to be privileged to be a small part of it.

God Bless you Geetha and Tom! We have not sold our home as of yet.maybe we will be here for awhile. So if you are coming to San Antonio, be sure to let us know and if we are in town will certainly love to have you stay with us.

Heartfelt love,

Bud and Sally Baie,
San Antonio, TX

Hi Tom and Geetha,

We love and appreciate what you have been doing for the children and older people in need. We are glad to be associated with your organization. We received letters from Manisha. We are very happy to hear that your organization is taking very good care of her & lot of other children like her in need.


Surender and Bhanu Priya,

Dear Dr. Geetha and Tom,

How many blessings you bring upon all those less fortunate! We enjoyed seeing Pedda grow up and become a wonderful young man. Being a part of his life enriched ours tremendously. We now look forward to the same with our second sponsored child! Thank you very much for all the incredible work and all the love you share with these children and families!


Fabiola Young,
Overland Park, KS

Dear Dr. Geetha and Tom,

The quote of the late Margaret Mead "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful,committed people can change the world.Indeed,it is the only thing that ever has".That is your organization-we know education is the answer and over the years the letters I have received from the children I sponsor touches my heart as the good work you two do. I just wish I could add more zero's to my checks! Blessings to both of you.


Marcie Hollmann Lake Geneva, WI

FCN has coordinated 2200 Free Cleft Lip and Cleft Palate surgeries to the Needy Children in the past 10 years.