How To Help

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The FCN founders, the board of directors and volunteers believe in the power of prayer. We invite you to pray for us so that God will continue to bless us in our work of reaching to the poor in the villages of India. All our children/students/elderly pray each day for the sponsors and donors and well-wishers of FCN.

Be a Sponsor

Sponsorship is the most direct way that you can help someone in need. It is a relationship of mutual respect. There are many waiting to be sponsored. You are welcome to sponsor a child, a teenager or an elderly Person.

To learn more about this program, click here.

Be a Donor

To learn more about this program.
click here to see the ongoing projects of FCN.

Be a Fund raiser

To raise funds for the needy and to be part of a worthy cause is uplifting. You can participate in various ways. FCN is looking for volunteers who would help raise money. Your donations will be used for various projects of FCN.

“Change for Change”

In November 2005 Tom and Geetha were presented a check for over $ 400 collected in the campaign called “Change for Change”. This collection was spear-headed by two students of St. James Junior High school in Arlington Heights, IL. All the students brought in their change to bring about change for the poor and needy in India. With this money Tom and Geetha were able to provide a young girl with epilepsy treatment for one year, purchase clothing for two young girls who lost their parents in the recent years and provide assistance to a number of families affected by floods. They also shared pictures and stories of how the St. James students had helped so many people in India.

Your thoughtfulness, an act of kindness and efforts to organize it can go a long way.

Remember FCN in your Estate Planning

Please, remember FCN in your estate planning. Kindly, inform us of your decision. Your generous donation will enable FCN to reach out to thousands of needy in the interior villages of India in providing educational opportunities, health care and training.

FCN has coordinated 2200 Free Cleft Lip and Cleft Palate surgeries to the Needy Children in the past 10 years.