Writing to your sponsored individual

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Letter writing is a very important aspect of our sponsorship program. Through personal letters from the sponsored individual, the sponsor learns about the individual’s life in India. We encourage sponsors to write to their sponsored individual if possible. Sponsors should mail all the letters, greeting cards, photos and stickers, etc., directly to India. We will make sure your mail arrives safely to your sponsored individual.

Please address your letters as follows:

The name of the sponsored individual and the ID number
Foundation for Children in Need
Porumamilla-516 193
Kadapa District,
A.P., India.

A reply to the letters received by the sponsored individuals will be included in the Christmas letters. We are not in a position to organize more than one letter a year from the sponsored individuals for several reasons.

When you receive letters from your sponsored individual, you will notice a label on the upper right hand corner. This is the project and student ID which is instrumental for us in processing your letters. This ID allows us to direct your correspondence to the appropriate project. Please use the ID from the most recent letter.

Call FCN Office:  847-670-1145

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