Educational trip to India: Jan 21–Feb 5, 2024

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Educational trip to India: Jan 21–Feb 5, 2024

We would like to invite our sponsors to visit India to see the work of FCN and to meet your sponsored individual. It will be an incredible experience. If you would like to join this pilgrimage of life time experience, please kindly E-mail Tom Chitta at by the August 15h, 2023. We invite you to enjoy the reflections written by some of our sponsors who have been to India by visiting the “sponsors visit” on our website,

With Prayers and Much Gratitude,
Dr. Geetha and Tom Chitta

January 21, Sunday-depart from Chicago or any other city

  • January 23:Tuesday 2 am arrival at Hyderabad, India
  • 23-25:Rest, Visit to FCN Projects and sight-seeing at Hyderabad
  • 26-Friday:to Porumamilla
  • 27-29:Visit to FCN Projects
  • 30-Tuesday:to Chennai
  • 31-Wednesday:Mass at the tomb of St. Thomas the Apostle Sight-seeing at Chennai
  • February 1:Flight to Delhi-rest
  • 2-Friday:Sight-seeing at Delhi
  • 3-Saturday: Visit to Taj Mahal, Agra
  • 4-Sunday: Mass Sight Seeing at Delhi

February 5, Monday early morning return journey to U.S. Same Day Arrival.

The ticket from Chicago to Hyderabad and from Delhi to Chicago will be approximately $ 1200 to 1400 depend on the sales. The earlier you book the cheaper it will be. Three flight tickets in India, from Hyderabad to Kadapa, Kadapa to Chennai and Chennai to Delhi will be approximately $ 200.

Tom and Geetha will host you at Hyderabad and Kadapa. Visit to the Projects and Sight-seeing transportation expenses will be about $ 200 for a week both in Hyderabad and Porumamilla. In Delhi and Chennai, you will stay in hotels. In these places you will pay as you go along for food, accommodation and transportation expenses. It will cost approximately $ 100 per day for transportation, food and hotel in Chennai and Delhi. Hotel accommodation is for twin occupancy. Sigel room will cost extra.

Geetha and Tom will receive you at Hyderabad and travel with you the entire trip.

Visiting India is a life time experience. We welcome you to join us.

FCN has coordinated 2200 Free Cleft Lip and Cleft Palate surgeries to the Needy Children in the past 10 years.